Tuesday 5 February 2013


Afternoon and Salam everyone. 

What a wonderful Wednesday today!

lol -.-'

Straight to the point lah ehh. There are many types of people in this beautiful world that Allah has given to us. Not "given" actually. but BORROWED. yes. that is the most suitable word i think.So dah mcm2 org kita jumpa right! ade yg kita tak suka,ade yg kita tgk org tu and we have this kind of "i-think-we-can-be-best friend" types of feeling. Haha. So, as for me. I LOVEEEEE to make friends with everybody. but tipulah kalau aku ckp takde org yg aku tak suka. kan?

So,when i said that i loveeee to make friends,it means that i hateeeee to have a fight with my friends. Kalau boleh,aku nak baikkkk je dgn smua org,BUT kita pon tau kan yg kita tak boleh nak puaskan hati semua org.So apa yg kita boleh buat is we have to try our best to make people happy when they're with us.Even kita tak boleh selesaikan masalah diorg,AT LEAST,you make them happy.

So right now i got this one problem,involving my own best friend. Trmasuk this year,almost 7 years jgk lah kitorg dh kenal. I think i don't have to tell everything about her but i just wanna tell you that whatever happens between you and ur friends,don't you ever ever EVER ignore it. Even korg dh benci tahap gaban pon. He/she is still ur friend,right. 

Lemme tell you this one thing,

Without friends,maybe it doesn't kill you BUT will you be happy seeing everybody around you have their own friends,they can hanging out together, they share their problems together but not you?
Even kita ckp,"alah,hilang kwn sorg je,bribu kot dtg nanti!" yes. i can't deny that one but please take note that every person in this world has their own,unique character/personality.

Masalah yg pling besar biasanya brlaku antara smua org dlm dunia ni is EGO. bila korg gaduh,msing2 takmaw kalah. Kononnya malu. nnti kwn2 yg len kata kita lemah. Itu smua bullshit lah!
Don't you ever think like that. Korg nk dgr apa org kata ke korg nk selamatkan relationship yg korg dh bina brtahun tahun tu? Igt balik the first time you met your best friend. Igt smua org boleh bwt ke nk pegi dkt org yg kita tak kenal then say hello smua tu. NOT EVERYBODY okay ade keberanian mcm tu. So my point is, turunkanlah sikit ego korg tu...bila bab2 mcm ni.

It's okay kalau kwn korg bwt tak layan ke ape ke at least you dah try to make things right,kan? Whatever it is,igt Allah tu Maha Melihat. He knows everything up there. Even org len tak nmpk apa kita bwt but He does. Itu je yg aku pegang dlm hidup aku. Biar org len tak nmpk tp Dia nampak. InsyaAllah... Dia akan balas smua yg kita bwt. Tak dkt dunia ni, Dia balas dkt akhirat nnti.

And please know that WHAT YOU GIVE,YOU GET BACK. Biar apa org bwt dkt kita,tp kita jgn jd mcm diorg. Bukan hak kita utk menghukum sesiapa dlm dunia ni melainkan Allah.. 

 so,my last advice to all of you is please DO APPRECIATE people around you. Avoid from having a fight with them,because when you do,you will see the beautiful of having a relationship with them. Enjoy every moment you had with them.

Asyik gaduh taknak beralah,
bnyk bende nk kene pikir,
Kalau ade ape2 masalah,
turunkan ego,insyaAllah okay..

Adios people! XOXO