Tuesday 14 May 2013


Assalamualaikum and hello people. :)

It has been a while since my last post to you.hehe. Sorry morry. I can't find an interesting topic to share with you...until...now. And it may take another 5 years more for me to think,so i better not.right?

Every each of you,have your own dream. A dream which make you work harder than everyone else. It motivates you to keep on studying to achieve it. 
'It' is what you wanna be in the future.

You have a dream. Easy to say but not easy to achieve. It takes time. From years to years you keep on studying and studying until you reached the level you are supposed to reach. Some people have the same dream with you. But you know that the dream you dreamt,
its not for everyone.
So you know that you have to work harder than anyone else. By mean,study MORE than anyone else. Sleep LESS than anyone else. Know MORE than anyone else. Then InsyaAllah, you'll have your dream with you.

But not forget,after all u've done. Tawakkal is the next step. Tawakkal means 'redha' with Allah's decision. Allah is The All Mighty.
Allah who makes decisions in this world. Allah makes decision for us. Allah who write our destiny. So,without Allah's permission,we won't succeed.
Even how hard you've work to get something, but without getting Allah's permission. You get nothing. Nothing can beat what Allah's has planned for us.
It depends on Allah after you've done everything to have your dream with you.

Then you'll be alright. 
Just wait and see,because Allah knows everything.
 HE knows that you've work hard to achieve your dream. HE will never dissapoint you. Just put ur trust in him. You'll never regret. Trust me.

BUT,if you didn't get what you want. 
It means,Allah has planned something better for you. Just follow the flow of your life. You'll see something better for you there. 

InsyaAllah :)

Pegi Johor,pegi Batu Pahat,
Smbil berenang dgn ikan Yu,
Study smart,and study hard,
InsyaAllah,ur dream will come to you. 

Saturday 9 March 2013


Assalamualaikum and hello readers :)

Lets talk about something that happens to most of us in this world. in this creation of Allah swt.
Allah gives us strength to go through every single day in our lives.He borrowed this world for us to live in to see whether we still remember Him or not. eventhough we cannot see Him. To see whether we can survive ourselves or not. So,sometimes to see whether we put our trust in Him,redha in everything that happened to us,
He tested us.
You say you love Him. He knows that. Everyone says that they love Allah.Allah is everything.but Allah's just wanna see how REAL is your love towards Him.

so..He knows what kind of test to give. He would never put us in a situation that we can't handle.

Dear readers,i know that you have many problems in your life. Sometimes you didn't know why is this happening to you..

So now you know that Allah loves you. and that's why He chose you to be the one being tested by Him. Actually, when something terrible has happened to you. Just smile. be proud. Because not everyone in this world can handle your situation. It means Allah knows that u're strong enough to handle it.be patient dear readers. 
Allah wanna see whether you love Him,you trust in Him,you give everything to Him or not.
Show to Him that you are ready to be tested. Love Him as much as possible. because without Him,
you are nothing.

think positive dear friends.InsyaAllah everything's gonna be alright. :')

Assalamualaikum and goodbye for now :)

Tuesday 5 February 2013


Afternoon and Salam everyone. 

What a wonderful Wednesday today!

lol -.-'

Straight to the point lah ehh. There are many types of people in this beautiful world that Allah has given to us. Not "given" actually. but BORROWED. yes. that is the most suitable word i think.So dah mcm2 org kita jumpa right! ade yg kita tak suka,ade yg kita tgk org tu and we have this kind of "i-think-we-can-be-best friend" types of feeling. Haha. So, as for me. I LOVEEEEE to make friends with everybody. but tipulah kalau aku ckp takde org yg aku tak suka. kan?

So,when i said that i loveeee to make friends,it means that i hateeeee to have a fight with my friends. Kalau boleh,aku nak baikkkk je dgn smua org,BUT kita pon tau kan yg kita tak boleh nak puaskan hati semua org.So apa yg kita boleh buat is we have to try our best to make people happy when they're with us.Even kita tak boleh selesaikan masalah diorg,AT LEAST,you make them happy.

So right now i got this one problem,involving my own best friend. Trmasuk this year,almost 7 years jgk lah kitorg dh kenal. I think i don't have to tell everything about her but i just wanna tell you that whatever happens between you and ur friends,don't you ever ever EVER ignore it. Even korg dh benci tahap gaban pon. He/she is still ur friend,right. 

Lemme tell you this one thing,

Without friends,maybe it doesn't kill you BUT will you be happy seeing everybody around you have their own friends,they can hanging out together, they share their problems together but not you?
Even kita ckp,"alah,hilang kwn sorg je,bribu kot dtg nanti!" yes. i can't deny that one but please take note that every person in this world has their own,unique character/personality.

Masalah yg pling besar biasanya brlaku antara smua org dlm dunia ni is EGO. bila korg gaduh,msing2 takmaw kalah. Kononnya malu. nnti kwn2 yg len kata kita lemah. Itu smua bullshit lah!
Don't you ever think like that. Korg nk dgr apa org kata ke korg nk selamatkan relationship yg korg dh bina brtahun tahun tu? Igt balik the first time you met your best friend. Igt smua org boleh bwt ke nk pegi dkt org yg kita tak kenal then say hello smua tu. NOT EVERYBODY okay ade keberanian mcm tu. So my point is, turunkanlah sikit ego korg tu...bila bab2 mcm ni.

It's okay kalau kwn korg bwt tak layan ke ape ke at least you dah try to make things right,kan? Whatever it is,igt Allah tu Maha Melihat. He knows everything up there. Even org len tak nmpk apa kita bwt but He does. Itu je yg aku pegang dlm hidup aku. Biar org len tak nmpk tp Dia nampak. InsyaAllah... Dia akan balas smua yg kita bwt. Tak dkt dunia ni, Dia balas dkt akhirat nnti.

And please know that WHAT YOU GIVE,YOU GET BACK. Biar apa org bwt dkt kita,tp kita jgn jd mcm diorg. Bukan hak kita utk menghukum sesiapa dlm dunia ni melainkan Allah.. 

 so,my last advice to all of you is please DO APPRECIATE people around you. Avoid from having a fight with them,because when you do,you will see the beautiful of having a relationship with them. Enjoy every moment you had with them.

Asyik gaduh taknak beralah,
bnyk bende nk kene pikir,
Kalau ade ape2 masalah,
turunkan ego,insyaAllah okay..

Adios people! XOXO

Saturday 15 September 2012

Sambutan Hari Malaysia dan Pesta Tanglung!

Morning and Assalamualaikum everyone!
May today brings you more happiness than yesterday :D

today nak bebel psl smalam.yesterday we got Sambutan Hari Malaysia something like that at 9 pm. So critenye b'mula apabila my ktua blok,Zizie ask me if we can pkai our bju blok yg mcm Charlie(binatang yg pling digeruni di Perlis) tu enn.haha.but GORGEOUS KOT BAJU TU. ala2 hrimau pon ade gak colour die.
So,nbila pon minxlah Wani (my ex-schoolmate,ex-classmate dkt SEMASHUR and now,we meant to be together again as my roomate. Awwhhh :') ) tanyakan Azfar (our YDP,mcm ktua plajar la gitu) boleh x pkai bju blok tu sbb Azfar classmate Wani.
Then,Wani pon txt lah Azfar but almaklumlah YDP kan busy.so die tak reply.Then i tod Zizie psl Azfar x reply.so Zizie ckp xpayah bwt announcement lah klau gitu.kang rmai2 kene halau dri majlis kang x psl2 je kan haaaa.

*btw,msti korg cam wondering jgk pahal Zizie nak tnye aku lak enn,bwt announcement lah bagai.ape?hot sgt ke nabila ni?kamceng ngn YDP ke ape? Nonono,I'm actually  pnolong ktua blok.So,that's why lah. (bangga lettew.PUIHH)*


Then,mmndangkan Azfar x reply,so kitorg pon pkai je r t-shirt biasa enn.tp kene ikot tema warna Malaysia sbb dlm kol 8 mlm tu JPP(mcm Jawatankuasa Plajar2) dh bwt announcement suroh pkai bju ikot tema warna Malaysia.
Jadi,nbila ni dgn bangganya pkailahhh t-shirt biru tu...dah tu,baru nak lilit selendang,skali mcm dgrlah kecoh2 kat luar bilik ckp KENE PAKAI BAJU KURUNG. adoiiii. SERIOUSLYYY??!

nseb bek bju kurung nbila sume kain cotton so no need to gosok bagai nak ghak enn. haha. 
Nabila pon tukarlaaa baju kurung.hish.bukan nak gtaw awal2 --'

and and,mula nak buat donno je,nk pkai je t-shirt tu.tp time tu ade 2 org kebetulan lalu depan my room,so nbila pon tnye r diorg. 

"asal korg nak balik bilik balik?"

 diorg ckp, "kitorg nak pegi dah td tp nampak ramai kene halau dri dewan sbb En.Bad (ktua bahagian Hal Ehwal Pajar) soh tukar bju kurung."


So nbila pon tukarlah bju kurung.Hishh.mcm keje pak pandir dah rsenye.
So lepas tu,g lah dewan dgn brbaju kurung bagai.Nseb bek mjlis tu best gak r.tak bosan.

Lps tu enn,ade P'TUNJUKAN BUNGA API ! Waaaaaaaaaaaah.

Mcm ala2 kat KLCC,Dataran Merdeka bila hari mrdeka tu.haaa.cmtu ah.
btw,lupe nk bgtaw.malam tu jgk,kitorg sambut skali PESTA TANGLUNG.

haaaaa. best enn.rugi r spe balik rumah minggu ni.hehe.nnti bile yg len tu balik kolej,boleh r kitorg blagak sket enn ngn diorg.hihi.  *padahal jealous sbb diorg leh balik rumah --' *
almaklumlah,rumah kat Selangor,study kat Perlis.Adoiii. t'cabut kening!

So,tu laa sdikit sbanyak psl smalam.hihi.seperti biasa,sblom habis bebelan.....nah! pantun.

Naseb nbila kene blaja kat Perth-lis,
pegi kuliah pkai tudung bawal,
Kalau korg nak bwt ape2 majlis,
Baju ape nk kene pkai bgtaw awal2! 

Sekian.  :D

Friday 14 September 2012

Lps penat lelah customize page :)

    Okay...tdi baru abis blaja nak bwt background lah kebenda lah.so now,sy boleh mnulis dgn tenang.Okay i know i didn't introduce myself PROPERLY. so i'm Nabila Hamidi and insyaAllah this 21st September i'm gonna be sweet 18! hihi. *wlaupun tak brape nak sweetlah kan dh 18 KOT! *

this is me :D
sy bese2 je. xdelah gempak mana pon mcm angelina jolie ke bagai. tp alhamdulillah laaa ade mata tlinga hidung smua cukup Allah bg :')
So tu lah sdikit sebanyak(xbrape bnyk pon) yg sy leh crite enn.haaaa.
So,actually hmm..arini ari jumaat kan..
so this week kitorg cuti 4 hari until next monday.memandangkan sy jauh di perantauan.. haha.so tak baliklah kan jawabnye.maka terperaplah kami beramai2 yg tak balik ni mengadap bukuu...
JADI,dikesempatan ini sy pon amik kesempatan utk bwt blog ni.hehe.mule cadangnye nak bwt blog ni time balik rumah nnti lps PSPM(final exam sem 1) ,tp dah excited sgt smpai x sempat dh nk tggu balik. hehe.

*FYI, PSPM 5 minggu je lagi nbila oiiiiii*

sbnrnye blog ni mcm....diary lah ehh?gitu?entahlah.yg nabila tau kite boleh bebel ske ati lah kan tanpa pengetahuan org.haaaa.tu yg gempak tu.hehe.melainkan org yg hot2 lah kat Blogger ni mcm....err.........hmmm...abaikan --'

So,ape plan minggu ni? hehehe.igt nk mronggeng kat Alor Star,TAPI elaun tak masuk lagi :'(  *background music rabbani*

haha.padan muka! --' so,rakan2.skian saja bebelan saya utk hari ini. ADIOS! *angkat tgn kanan*

oppps,ni ada sdikit pantun ye bwt anda smua.  *wlaupun xde org lain baca bende ni.HAHA*

pegi sawah tangkap ikan keli,
balik rumah suruh mak goreng,
klau tak masuk elaun lagi,
jgn berangan nk pegi meronggeng!