Saturday 9 March 2013


Assalamualaikum and hello readers :)

Lets talk about something that happens to most of us in this world. in this creation of Allah swt.
Allah gives us strength to go through every single day in our lives.He borrowed this world for us to live in to see whether we still remember Him or not. eventhough we cannot see Him. To see whether we can survive ourselves or not. So,sometimes to see whether we put our trust in Him,redha in everything that happened to us,
He tested us.
You say you love Him. He knows that. Everyone says that they love Allah.Allah is everything.but Allah's just wanna see how REAL is your love towards Him.

so..He knows what kind of test to give. He would never put us in a situation that we can't handle.

Dear readers,i know that you have many problems in your life. Sometimes you didn't know why is this happening to you..

So now you know that Allah loves you. and that's why He chose you to be the one being tested by Him. Actually, when something terrible has happened to you. Just smile. be proud. Because not everyone in this world can handle your situation. It means Allah knows that u're strong enough to handle patient dear readers. 
Allah wanna see whether you love Him,you trust in Him,you give everything to Him or not.
Show to Him that you are ready to be tested. Love Him as much as possible. because without Him,
you are nothing.

think positive dear friends.InsyaAllah everything's gonna be alright. :')

Assalamualaikum and goodbye for now :)

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